Student Testimonials

  • Ritual.

    “When Sirena announced her "Joyful Movement" offering last year, I was game to give it a try since I love Sirena and really enjoy her style of teaching. While the idea of a weekly class centered on revisiting our intentions and doing meditative movement appealed to me, I had no idea how important those Thursday mornings would become - the routine becoming ritual and providing an anchor during such a chaotic time. I am not a morning person, but I am happy to get up for this class. I love letting my mind go as we flow through our sun salutations, and the class is over long before I am ready for it to end. “

    Judy B. Snyder

  • Joy & Peace.

    “Sirena’s weekly joyful movement morning yoga class brought so much joy, and peace to my 2021. Setting an intention for the year was a lot more grounding than making a “new year resolution” and revisiting it each week, allowed for space to reflect, grow, and re-orient. I feel more centered and calm starting my day with Sirena, and noticed the physical and emotional benefits clearly. Sirena is kind, loving, and thoughtful, and it’s been a true joy learning from her this past year. Thank you Sirena! So much joy and love to you!”

    Carrie Cimo

  • Stronger.

    “Through Joyful Movement, I have become stronger, both physically and mentally. I have learned about myself through astrology and yoga. Most importantly, I have met five amazing women with whom I have grown a connection. We have taken this journey together, supported one another, and learned from each other. I cannot wait for next year to do more learning, connecting, and strengthening.”

    Mona Vyas

  • Presence & Awareness.

    “Looking back over 2021, it's easy to connect the dots on how Joyful Movement impacted my life. It's beyond yoga. The ritualistic 27 sun salutations offer a sense of anchoring and groundedness. The breath work (which changes monthly) generates deep presence and body awareness. Adding journalling and astrology into the weekly sessions (Sirena truly embodies this work!) almost gives this practice a spiritual framework to guide my day. And, the sense of community I feel from Joyful Movement is a beautiful, unexpected benefit. If you crave more grounding, presence, spirituality, and community in your life, Joyful Movement delivers!”

    Tonja Ahijevych

  • Impactful.

    “Sirena’s Natal Chart Reading has been incredibly impactful. What has taken me years to understand about myself in studying psychology, Sirena shared with me in less than an hour (and more.) Directive, intuitive, thorough, her astrology chart reading has been supporting me since April. I really enjoy checking the written report she gave me to look for future dates, as well as reflect on past ones that were significant with planetary alignment and the eclipse cycles. Her reading was the guidance and understanding I needed in a challenging time.”

    Katelyn DeCoste

  • Outstanding.

    “Sirena is outstanding for all levels of practiioners. She has a very human way of relating super-human information :) Sirena has a lovely way of sharing the metaphysical with the very physical. The light with the heavy. The ecstatic with the drudgery. For this, I love her.”

    Student, F1 Vinyasa Class

  • Very Creative.

    “Sirena is very creative, so much energy it is addictive. Sirena has a very pleasant personality. She is very warm and welcoming. I try not to miss any of her classes. I always feel better after each class physically and mentally.”

    Student, F1 Vinyasa Class

  • Joyful Journey.

    Sirena's Joyful Movement is not just a yoga practice, it's a joyful journey full of movement, breath work, astrology and community that keeps me coming back each week.