Hello October!

September seemed like the longest month of 2023. So many new beginnings, so many new endings. Health journeys for many friends and for myself and my family having been sick for most of the month. Lessons to be learned and a new circle around the Sun for myself.

I am ready for a new month, new intentions, and new adventures!

October astrology highlights:

10/4 Mercury enters Libra

10/8 Venus enters Virgo

10/10 Pluto stations direct at 27 degrees Capricorn

10/12 Mars enters Scorpio

10/14 New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra

10/22 Mercury enters Scorpio

10/23 Sun enters Scorpio

10/28 Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 5 degrees

Yoga for the month of October focuses on Libra and Scorpio. With the eclipses, the veil thins and our path shifts directs. I encourage more introspection and a journey into your inner world. What is shifting for you in your life? A new life cycles will and another begins, look back at the eclipse of April and May 2023. What has transpired since then?

Asana for the month for Libra is focused on the lower back, releasing and strengthening. At the end of October for Scorpio season we move into the pelvis, reproductive and elimination systems. Join class to learn poses!

I am hosting a free book club for October if you are local to Longmont or are curious about this city and area. Feel free to join, sign up here! We will be reading Haunted Longmont by Richard Estep. Meeting up online via Zoom for 3 weeks and then meeting in person at a local park and cemetery for a spooky picnic and walk the weekend of the eclipse.

If you are super curious about the eclipses coming up and how they will effect you, I am holding my bi-yearly Eclipse Circle on Sunday October 8th! You receive a personalized written horoscope and we’ll get together via Zoom for a workshop and discussion. Sign up here!


Life Cycles Yoga 2024
